Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Mothers Day!

It is not too late since in Mexico we celebrate Mothers day always on May 10th. So I hope all of you had an have a great day today! You deserve it.
I do not want to start saying that we should be celebrated every day, but I think that we should ;), because since I became a mother for the first time, every day is Mothers day! With ups and downs,with happiness and sorrow, with triumphs and failures. From soccer to tennis to water polo games, to the emergency room, to cook, to comfort, to hug (I love
hugs!) To the emergency room again, to the OR waiting room and everything else!
I would never change anything of those moments for anything else. To lift my little daughter crying after she fell and tell her not to worry and that everything will be ok, to keep on playing. To hug her twenty years later in silence with her pain in my heart, and to tell her not to worry and keep playing... play life.To see the most wonderful young adult ever passionate and caring, so caring that hurts. Remind him what a great person he is and encourage him to keep going.And my amazing teen ager that is just starting to realize who he is and what he is capable of. He who is always smiling, and who’s everyone’s favorite in the family, because he has the capability of making everyone smile like him.

Every single day of my life since 1986, being a mother is the best choice I could have ever made. Besides marring my husband, of course, my friend, and my life.
So what can I say to all of you mothers? Never regret this choice, enjoy even the hardest moments, one day they will look at you and say “I'm so grateful to have you as my mom, and everything you have taught me is not only in my mind, but also deep in my heart”.

To finish I would love to share this poem by Mother Teresa of Calcuta;

Enseñarás a volar...pero no volarán tu vuelo.
You will teach them to fly.... but they won't fly your flight.
Enseñarás a soñar...pero no soñarán tus sueños.
You will teach them to dream.... but they won't dream your dreams.
Enseñarás a vivir...pero no vivirán tu vida.
You will teach them to live... but they won't live your life.
Enseñarás a cantar...pero no cantarán tu canción.
You will teach them to sing... but they won't sing your song.
Enseñarás a pensar...pero no pensarán como tú.
You will teach them to think.... but they won't think like you.
Pero sabrás que cada vez que ellos vuelen, sueñen, vivan, canten y
piensen... ¡Estará en ellos la semilla del camino enseñado y aprendido! ESTARAS TU !!!
But you will now that every time they fly, Dream, live, and
think...You will be in them, the seed of a road thought and learned.

Happy mothers day! Feliz dia de las madres!

Especially to those who without being a mother, they still are.

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